6 ways to prepare for a more tech savvy way of business

To keep up with the modern world of business, adapting to changing times is important.

If you’re a kiwi small business owner you might be feeling the pressure of having to adapt to technology within your business.

In this blog post, we will guide you with 6 expert tips on how to prepare yourself and the business to become more tech savvy.Take a squiz.

6 ways to prepare for a more tech savvy way of business

#1 Transition into using software and analytics

If you want to make your business more attuned to emerging technologies, start using software to replace manual labor and automate processes so that they can be more efficient.

Also start using analytics software and tools as a more digital-native approach to monitoring your business performance and coming up with ways to improve.

#2 Transition to a cloud based environment

To become a fully technologically attuned business, moving your work and processes to the cloud is important.

This helps you make your work more efficient and secure. It also makes your business more flexible and scalable. Cloud-based backup also makes you more ready for disaster recovery.

#3 Create a website

Having your own website will allow your customers to access your business more easily.

It will act as your official platform for announcements, product displays, online shopping, and it will provide a portal for customers to officially contact you.

Make sure that this website is mobile responsive so that people can easily access them on their mobile device.

If you think it suits your business, you can also choose to create an app which your regular customers can use to digitally purchase your products and services and keep in touch with your business.

#4 Create a social media presence

Social media is another important channel for direct communication with your customers.

This is also a great low-cost marketing medium, that helps you easily reach your target audience with informal and relatable communication methods.

#5 Consult experts

Invest in consulting qualified and experienced tech professionals, who will help you ensure a smooth transition into a more digitally savvy environment.

#6 Train your team members for a tech savvy work environment

To be able to adjust efficiently to your new tech savvy work environment, your kaimahi should be attuned to the latest technologies and be rich in technical skills.

Implement training programmes for your existing team members and include tech-related qualifications and skills in job descriptions when posting future job ads.

Alternatively, to save all hiring and training costs, you can consider outsourcing your work to tech savvy professionals, who already have years of experience working with a wide range of technologies and systems, and are easy to onboard into your business without any extra costs.

Outsource to our tech savvy chartered accountants…

Having a tech savvy accountant can help your business in many ways. And our accounting professionals have acquired years of experience working with a wide range of requirements.

We come to you equipped with the right skills and expertise to get your finances in order and give you the time to focus on your core business with peace of mind. Choice, isn’t it? Drop us a kia ora and we’ll take it from there.

Talk to us about how we can support you and your business.

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