How does outsourced bookkeeping work?

bookkeeping nz

Onboarding process

The onboarding process is the first step in any successful customer relationship. Establish an understanding of what you need to do, and why with clear instructions on how it all works together – this will set up your new customers for success from day one!

Discussing the current system

Bookkeepers must keep a deep and wide understanding of the current processes and documentation. This step ensures that a smooth transition is happening from in-house bookkeeping to outsourced bookkeeping services. Learning about the current process involves learning about revenue streams, invoicing processes, and other analysing resources.

This step also helps them to identify the gaps in the current system and discuss the ways the new bookkeeper services can bridge such gaps.

Establishing the communication plan

Communication is crucial for a long-term partnership between the outsourced employee and the employer. Therefore, implementing a solid communication plan should be one of your top priorities.

The communication plan includes the mode of communication, meeting schedules, deliverables, deadlines and more.

Setting access to the systems

After figuring out the communication methods and other plans, the next step is to make sure the new bookkeeping service can access all the records, especially in software solutions. Outsourced bookkeeping relies on software a lot, so it is required to make sure the outsourced bookkeeping services can access your records as needed. So they can provide fast and reliable service. This will include upgrading licences and creating new user levels etc.

Upgrade your system to the cloud

Your outsourced bookkeeping service requires your services to be accessible online. Therefore Setting up cloud-based solutions which are not already on the cloud is crucial. Introducing new tools to speed things up and optimising the process should be your next step.

Train your team

Working with an entirely new team could be an intimidating experience for the rest of your team too. It is necessary to have team training sessions. To introduce your current employees to the new and improved processes. This will help improve communication and give everyone time for any initial feelings about one another or their positions in order before getting started working together

Go live

When the new system has been thoroughly tested and perfected, it can be introduced to replace all other systems. This transition should occur gradually so that employees are able to catch any problems with both sets of procedures before they arise in earnest.

Carry out daily operations

After establishing the process and setup it is now all set up for you and your team to work with your outsourced bookkeeping team. At the end of the day, all you have to do is to send your invoices and receipts. Your bookkeepers will manage the rest.

You are safe with Accountdept.

Accountsdept has the best technical know-how to carry out any task in your bookkeeping arena. We will introduce the best bookkeeping NZ best practices to save you a lot of time, money, and effort by making everything organised and efficient.

Talk to us about how we can support you and your business.

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