Complete Bookkeeping Service

How to Create a Payroll System

It’s all positive news for you if you’re a new business or an existing business wanting to create a payroll system in New Zealand. Cloud-based software has been a game-changer in the accounting, bookkeeping and payroll sectors, making calculating payroll and payday filing much less of a headache. There are also some great options if […]
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Accounting And Bookkeeping Solutions Ltd

How payroll software works for your small business

I remember using a printed IRD weekly/fortnightly PAYE booklet to calculate employees wages. I thought these were fantastic, no need to use formulas, calculators or spreadsheets to calculate PAYE. You simply needed to know your staff’s gross earnings based on their timesheet. You could then quickly use the guide to determine PAYE and net pay […]
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Accounting Service Provider N/A

Top 6 Business Functions You Should Be Outsourcing

Nearly 70% of businesses now turn to Business Process Outsourcing for one or multiple of their business functions. Sometimes these processes are outsourced to local New Zealand businesses. However more and more New Zealand businesses are now opting to look beyond our boarding to find more efficient solutions. There are many businesses leveraging lower costs […]
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Accounting Software Training Course

Ways to work on your business during lockdown

1. Review your website What better time to check in and review your site from your client’s perspective. ● If you’re looking for something, is it easy to find? ● Is your most important information clear and forefront? ● Is it easy to navigate and user friendly? ● Are mobile and desktop versions both functioning […]
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Online Xero Training Course

Top 5 reasons to outsource payroll services

The idea of outsourcing certain business tasks is nothing new. Businesses have been outsourcing all kinds of services such as IT, bookkeeping, marketing and accounting for many years and for good reason. Payroll services are no different, so let’s take a look at the top 5 reasons you should consider an outsourced payroll provider. Reason […]
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Xero Timesheet Integration

Five Xero Tips you need to know!

It’s easy to get into the habit of using a program the way you always have and miss out on some hidden features. Xero’s accounting software is no different. We don’t know what we don’t know, right? Well, we don’t want you to miss out on these handy time savers when you’re working your way […]
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Digital Marketing Auckland

Marketing your business: Channels and Methods

59.5% or 4.99 billion - You must be wondering what these numbers are. It’s the number of active internet users worldwide. It’s a lot, and it continues to increase every day. With the introduction of the internet, the way people shop and buy has changed - meaning online marketing isn’t as effective as it used to be. Marketing has always been about connecting with your audience in the right place and at the right time. Today, you need to meet your audience where they are already spending time: on the internet.
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Accounting Service Provider N/A

Statement Generator

Accountsdept is pleased to offer the use of our very own Statement Generator, to save you from the headaches of Foodstuffs statements. Our Statement Generator will cut out all the nitty gritty required to get a Foodstuffs compliant statement and send you one ready to go at the end of each month.
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